Monday, January 19, 2009


Hesaraghatta has been a happy hunting ground for us, and as Gautham mentioned it has become an African safari for bird photographers in bangalore! The habitat is perfect with lot of shrubs and open space. Anyway sunday's trip though a surprise factor for me in terms of the Jackal twins' appearance, it was the best birding trip till date for me to watch raptors. I had couple of lifers Montagu Harrier and Marsh Harrier and managed to capture them on camera.

Here's Montagu Harrier female, who was very co-operative

This is another lifer, Marsh Harrier. The quality of this pic is not great as we managed to get this early morning, when the lighting was pretty poor.

I am not sure of its ID, but seems like the Marsh Harrier Juvenile. Would be great if anybody can confirm. Again taken with the first rays of sunlight


  1. Nice Pics Rakesh ... All 3 are equally good . But I will go with the first one .. :)

  2. The flight shot of Montagu is superb!! Harrier (early morning shot) would do with bit more sharpening.

  3. The 3rd image could be pallid harrier.
